SoonR Desktop Agent 5.10

SoonR Desktop Agent 5.10

With it, you can access and share files with your team from any device
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Soonr Inc.
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

SoonR Desktop Agent is the desktop client that works with the SoonR service. It allows you to create backups of your files and upload them to online servers, from where you can then restore them. This particular app takes a focus on providing almost real-time detection of new files and changes. Thus, the application starts uploading files to the servers as soon as it detects those changes, which ensures that there is always a backup copy for the files that you are working on. When you first start the application, SoonR will ask you what folder you want it to monitor. The default one is My documents. Then, it will start uploading the contents of the folder, noting the files creation and modification dates. In the system tray area, you can check what the client is doing at all times. It shows how many files have been uploaded, the space they are taking on the servers and the current upload speed. A free account will give you 2 free gigabytes on the SoonR services, along with a couple of folders that you can monitor on your computer. SoonR connects to the servers using SSL, so your files are always secure. You can always disconnect from the servers if you want. And you can access your files anywhere, which also makes this app good for sharing some files around.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
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Review summary


  • Speed control
  • Real-time backups
  • The client isn't intrusive
  • Low system resources usage


  • None



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